South Africa: A new beginning…

“I see only hope for our Country, and that is when white men and black men, desiring neither power nor money, but desiring only the good for their country, come together to work for it”.

Reflecting on these words of Reverend Theophilus Msimangu in Alan Paton’s, ‘Cry, the Beloved Country’, I write this piece for the love that I have for our beloved country.

Our nation has experienced the most tragic decade since the fall of apartheid. How did we, the beloved rainbow nation, full of potential and the promise of a bright future sink into the abyss of immorality through greed, corruption and the inhumanity of a few individuals?

For almost the entire past decade we have lived our lives amidst a national tragedy. How is it possible that our beloved rainbow nation could have disappeared into an abyss of sadness, greed, corruption and inhumanity?

I do not have the answers to the questions. But each of us, as South Africans, have to use our rights as enshrined in our Constitution, to take more control of our destiny. We have to do this as a nation united, and we have to do it now. We owe it to the young people of our country and future generations.

Our new democracy was built on the Freedom Charter and is guided by the Constitution. These documents codified the principles that were to guide our democratic order. Unfortunately, the principles of these sacred documents have largely been put in the back burner by many, including some of those who helped create them. So quickly they forget. These documents should continue to guide us as a nation, now and forever.

I write this from Pyeongchang in South Korea. It is fascinating to observe from a distance the transformation now taking place in South Africa as Jacob Zuma resigned and our nation enters a new phase of recovery and, once again, of hope. I commend President Cyril Ramaphosa, and all those involved, including opposition parties, in peacefully navigating this process, and again we hope, we all hope, that this time events will ultimately result in an outcome beneficial to all the people of our country.


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